Its half way to Christmas y'all!
And baby it’s HOT outside!
Join us for LTX’s 2nd Annual Christmas In July Hoodang!
Sponsored by: Dead Oak Ranch
Dress to impress:
We’d love to see y’all get in the spirit, so throw on your most festive Christmas ensemble, Hawaiian shirt or Cowboy attire! (encouraged but not required)
Festivities include:
- Clay Hollis LIVE @ 9P
- Drunkin' Santa photo op
- Christmas dinner
- Specialty Christmas cocktails & drink specials
- Holiday sales on apparel
- Festive holidays jams bumpin’ bar side
- Christmas favorites on the big screen
The halls are being decked & Santa’s naughty list is being checked, get ready to throw down..
Clay Hollis LIVE in the BCKYRD @ LTX - July 19th @ 9P @clayholliscountry
If y’all made it out to Clay’s first performance at LTX then you already know that it was one of the best shows to date.. If you didn’t, you oughta come see what you’re missing
To top it off, we will be celebrating LTX’s 2nd Annual Cowboy Christmas In July!
Sponsored by: @deadoakranch
Festivities include:
- Clay Hollis LIVE @ 9p
- Drunkin Santa photo op
- Christmas dinner
- Specialty Christmas cocktails & drink specials
- Holiday sales on apparel
- Festive holidays jams bumpin’ bar side
- Christmas favorites on the big screen
Dress to impress:
We’d love to see y’all get in the spirit, so throw on your most festive Christmas ensemble, Hawaiian shirt or Cowboy git up! (encouraged but not required)
The halls are being decked & Santa’s naughty list is being checked, let’s party..