WOW what an amazing day! THANK YOU to everyone who attended the Llano Outdoor Sports Expo. We enjoyed perfect weather and had our largest turnout ever!
Special thanks to our Big Game Sponsors: Lowe’s Market in Llano and Los Cazadores in Buchanan Dam. Our Polaris sponsors included Arrowhead Bank, Cadence Bank, Llano National Bank, Cooper's Old Time Pit Bar-B-Que in Llano, Ben E Keith Llano, KEG 1 O'Neal, LLC, and Lowe’s Market.
We also appreciate Texas Parks & Wildlife for their continuous support of this event, along with all the volunteers and vendors who made it successful. A big thank you to Lowe’s Market in Llano, Los Cazadores, Llano Feed & Supply, and Buttery Company for your generous prize donations.
Mark your calendars for next year—more details will be shared soon!

Polaris Ranger 1000
Texas State Game Wardens
Our local game wardens are a great resource and will be joining us at the Llano Outdoor Sports Expo. Be sure to stop by their Operation Game Thief Trailer and say hello!
Texas State Biologist
Drum roll please! Announcing our very own Llano county Biologist Chris Mostyn will be conducting seminars on the stage behind our Visitor Center! Chris is a wealth of knowledge and his seminars are of interest to hunters and land owners alike. Join us Friday November 1st from 9am-1pm at the the Visitor Center located at 100 Train Station Drive in Llano Friday November 1st. See you there!
Curious about turkey calling?
Curious about turkey calling? Don’t know where to start? Interested in finding out? Robert Linder is presenting at our Outdoor Sports Expo and really needs no introduction but here we go! Life member of the National Wild Turkey Federation Hunted wild Turkey for 34 years Has harvested 3 turkey Grand Slams 2 Royal Slams 1 World Slam He has been an adjudicator for the Worlds Turkey Calling Championships The US Open calling championship and Grand Nationals for Turkey calling
Interested in night hunting?
Interested in night hunting? Stop by the Slow Glow booth at the expo Friday November 1st!
Snake Avoidance Training for dogs
Snake avoidance training for dogs by Winter Kennels. Want to find out more? Come see them at the Llano Outdoor Expo Nov 1st from 9a-1p!
Additional Raffle Items
Vortex Fury Laser Rangefinding Binoculars
Here’s another one of the raffle items that could be yours courtesy of Los Cazadores! We look forward to seeing you Friday November 1st at our Outdoor Sports Expo! Vortex Fury Laser Rangefinding Binoculars - 10x42 - Two of the most important pieces of hunting gear combined into one powerful, long-ranging unit.
And another raffle item from Los Cazadores! Come check out the TURTLEBOX GEN2!
See us Friday November 1st at the Llano Chamber of Commerce and Vistor Center.
ATN X-Sight Night Vision Scope
Here’s another raffle item sponsored by Lowe’s Market!
HD Optics with the ATN Cutting-Edge QHD+ Day/Night Sensor which gives you crisp, vivid images both Day and Night.
Walther PDP-F
Another one of our Outdoor Expo raffle items! Walther PDP-F is designed for women or others with reduced grip strength. Walther reports it’s just as popular with the guys as it is with the gals! Courtesy of our friends at Walther North America. Don’t forget to join us Friday November 1st from 9-1pm at the Llano Visitor Center. Need not be present to win.
Walther has developed a brand new operating system that results in an unprecedented 20% reduction in slide Racking Force. Utilizing a two-piece striker, all shooters will be able to experience the performance of the PDP with an intuitive slide rack that is as natural as it is durable. The Reduced Slide Force is the next step in exceeding expectations for shooters who know what it takes to stay Ready. -
BowTech Amplify 70lb
Los Cazadores sponsored raffle item!
Versatility and performance at a price that doesn't break the bank.
Forgiving enough for the beginner archer and deadly enough to fill the freezer.
Highly adjustable to fit virtually any archer.
900# Sendero Corn or Protein Feeder
Thank you Lowe’s Market and Sendero deer feeders for your contribution to the Outdoor Sports Expo. They are offering not one, but three feeders for the raffle. Come see us Friday November 1st at the Llano Outdoor Sports Expo!
600# Sendero Corn Feeder
Thank you Lowe’s Market and Sendero deer feeders for your contribution to the Outdoor Sports Expo. They are offering not one, but three feeders for the raffle. Come see us Friday November 1st at the Llano Outdoor Sports Expo!
350# Sendero Corn Feeder
Thank you Lowe’s Market and Sendero deer feeders for your contribution to the Outdoor Sports Expo. They are offering not one, but three feeders for the raffle. Come see us Friday November 1st at the Llano Outdoor Sports Expo!
HB 750 cottonseed feeder
Los Cazadores will be at the Outdoor Sports Expo and this HB 750 cottonseed feeder is one of their many raffle items!
Costa sunglasses
Los Cazadores sponsored Costa sunglasses can be yours at the Outdoor Sports Expo at the Llano visitor center Friday November 1st!
My Buddy Heater
Thank you Lowe’s in Llano for donating this Mr Buddy Heater to the Raffle!
Mountie Mobile Edge Cellular Trail Camera
Mountie Mobile Edge Cellular Trail Camera w T-Post Mount