Welcome to Llano! We are so glad you came. Below are some numbers to help you get started, but the Visitor Center has much more information. Call 325-247-5354 for Llano friendly assistance!
Animal Control: 325-247-3028
City Hall: 325-247-4158
City Utilities –
Electric, Water, Sewer, Garbage: 325-247-5082
County Utilities –
Central Texas Electric Cooperative, Inc. 830-997-2126
County Clerk: 325-247-4455
County Tax Assessor / Vehicle Registration: 325-247-4165
Courthouse: 325-247-7730
District Attorney: 325-247-5755
Housing Authority: 325-247-4931
Library: 325-247-5248
Scott & White Healthcare - Llano: 325-247-5040
Hoerster Clinic, Llano: 325-247-4131
Hoerster Clinic, Kingsland: 325-388-3515
Llano Municipal Airport: 325-247-5635
Llano Independent School District: 325-247-4747
Llano Elementary School: 325-247-5718
Packsaddle Elementary School: 325-388-8129 '
Llano Junior High School: 325-247-4659
Llano High School: 325-248-2200
Llano Christian Academy 325- 247-4942
Llano Senior Center: 325-247-4662
Police Department: 325-247-3028
Sheriff: 325-247-5767
Social Security Office: 800-772-1213
Texas Driver’s License Office: 325-247-5488
Texas Parks and Wildlife Office: 325-247-4847
Texas Work Force Center: 325-248-0275